I have considered starting a blog for awhile, and finally decided to try it. This is not a window into my personal life. Instead, it's simply where I, a young woman who is captivated by God, will share thoughts and reflections about the roller coaster ride called life and all that comes with it. You don't have to agree or like what I say, but I hope that as I reflect and process, you will be encouraged and perhaps challenged to think differently.
Captivate means to "attract and hold by charm, beauty, or excellence." I think we are all captivated by something. Sometimes, I think we allow things to captivate us that are not "charming, beautiful, or excellent." My grandmother used to love watching her "stories," otherwise known as soap operas. She never missed an episode! She would discuss them with her friends or family who watched them. She was captivated by them. She was also pretty depressed most of the time and sometimes seemed like she lived in those stories, and not in the real world. Other times, I think we can be captivated by something just for a moment. Have you ever witnessed a flaming sunset or the mighty mountains, finding yourself entranced by them for a moment? I certainly have. Sometimes, I think we can be captivated by something so strongly that it begins to shape our perspectives - often, we don't even realize it's happening. These can have a huge affect in who we are, in who we become, and therefore, in our actions and the way we live. Some people are captivated by money - it drives them, controls them. Other people are captivated by a person, perhaps a significant other or partner. That person is all they can see and all they know. They base everything else in their life around that one person. All other relationships and ambitions are inferior to that person. Money is definitely necessary in my life; I'm sure it is in yours. And I know I was created for relationships. But I've seen money bring pain and emptiness. And I've learned the hard way that friends, family, and significant others, or maybe just potential significant others, will let me down eventually. Some of them even leave completely, abandoning me to stand alone and defeated, wondering how I possibly did this to mess up my life. What I have learned, is that there is only one Person who can hold me completely captivated and who is deserving of my captivated attention. He is the most charming, beautiful, excellent One I know. His name is Jesus Christ. He will always hold me captivated. I don't have to do anything, because He's already done it. All I can do, like when I see the red, pink, purple sunset, is stand amazed and enchanted by Him.
What captivates you?
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